Here are some general suggestions that may increase your security for you and your employees:
As an employee, you likely want to do everything possible to keep your workplace safe. Here are some general suggestions that may help you increase your security. While many of these steps may seem like common sense, it’s always important to be mindful of your surroundings and take precautions to protect yourself and your coworkers. As Always, thanks for reading!

Some Tips Below:
Security Acces
- Install key-card access systems at main entrances and on other appropriate doors.
Key-card access systems are an effective way to give employees quick and easy entry into your facility. These key cards can also be used as guest passes, so they don’t need another password or PIN code for visits outside of work hours!
- Issue access control badges, with recent photographs, to all employees and authorized contractors.
Therefore, issue access control badges to all employees and authorized contractors to ensure that only those who should have immediate proximity are able enter restricted areas throughout the organization’s facilities
CCTV Security
- Upgrade perimeter control systems with intercoms and closed circuit monitoring devices.
Also, upgrade your perimeter control systems with intercoms and closed circuit monitoring devices to ensure that employees can easily be monitored.
- Keep master and extra keys locked in a security office.
Keys should be kept in a security office to ensure that they do not get lost.
Communication Security
- Develop crisis communication among key personnel and security office involving intercoms, telephones, duress alarms or other concealed communications.
The best way to avoid a crisis is by ensuring that key personnel are always within contact and have easy access not just for emergencies but also during normal working hours. This can be done in many ways. Such as, installing intercoms between offices or duress alarms on telephones so everyone knows where they will find someone if something goes wrong
- Have a back up communication system, like two-way radio, in case of phone failure.
When it comes to communication, be prepared for any situation with a back up system. This might include two-way radios and/or cell phones in case of failure on the primary device(s).
- Locate executive offices near the inner core of the building to afford maximum protection and avoid surveillance from the outside.
The best place for an executive office is near the inner core of a building because that will afford maximum protection and avoid surveillance from outside.
- Arrange office space so unescorted visitors can be easily noticed.
To avoid unescorted visitors, office spaces should be designed with a multilevel layout that has benches and other furniture at frequent intervals.
Staff Security
- Have staff follow strict access control procedures, don’ t allow exceptions.
To avoid the risk of data loss, have staff follow strict access control procedures.
Don’t allow exceptions!
- Keep important papers locked in secure cabinets.
To avoid the risk of fire, burglary or other crimes keep your most important papers locked up tight in secure cabinets.
- Keep offices neat and orderly to identify strange objects or unauthorized people more easily.
Also, to make sure that you’re always on top of things, keep an eye out for anything strange or unauthorized.
Therefore, laying down some rules will help avoid confusion when dealing with others who may not know what is considered proper office conduct in terms outsider appearances!
- Empty trash receptacles often.
Make sure you empty the trash receptacles on a regular basis so they don’t get too full and overflow.
- Open packages and large envelopes in executive offices only if the source or sender is positively identified.
Only open packages and large envelopes in executive offices if the source or sender is positively identified.
Personal Security
- Keep closets, service openings, telephone and electrical closets locked at all times. Protect crucial communications equipment and utility areas with an alarm system.
When it comes to security, the best offense is a good defense. Make sure you have an alarm system for your home and business so that if something does happen there’ll be no question as what happened!
- Avoid stairwells and other isolated areas. Try not to ride the elevator alone with a suspicious person.
Stay away from stairwells and other isolated areas. If you’re going to ride an elevator alone, keep your eyes peeled for suspicious people too!
- Don’t work late alone or on a routine basis.
Also, working late by yourself or on a routine basis is never good for the soul. Don’t let your work take over everything else in life, you need some time away from it every now and then!
- Keep publicly accessible restroom doors locked and set up a key control system. If there is a combination lock, only office personnel should open the lock for visitors.
First, the best way to maintain a safe and secure environment is by implementing key control systems. Second, this will ensure that only those with the proper keys can open public restroom doors, which prevents anyone from gaining access when they shouldn’t be there!
Finally, todays security is a top priority for businesses of all sizes. By following these simple suggestions, you can help keep you and your customer safe. If you have any questions or need more assistance implementing security measures, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We are here to help you protect your business.

1255 Treat Blvd. #300 Walnut Creek, CA 94597